Here is a seletion of some of KAL Computaz's past work. One or two projects may be on-going.

Nkhwazi Primary School
Nkhwazi Primary School is one of the oldest private schools in Zambia, having been founded in 1971. It was an honour working with Nkhwazi Primary School to birth this website.
Visit the Website

Rehoboth Consulting Engineers Ltd
Founded in 2018 to provide professional consultancy services in the areas of Civil & Structural Engineering and Engineering Research, located in Cardiff, Wales
Visit the website

Kaumba Secondary School
Kaumba Secondary School is located along Chivuna-Mujika road 14 km from Monze town. It started operating on 16th January 2017
Visit their website

Kaumba Secondary School E-Learning
Kaumba Secondary School is a Zambian government-owned co-education school. This is their e-learning site built on Moodle.
Visit Kaumba E-Learning site

ESSE Clearing Ltd
ESSE Clearing. Zambia’s Premier Agent for Customs Clearance of your cargo. A knowledgeable, efficient, and easy partner for all your import and export needs.